Thursday, September 12, 2019

What does a CTE Diploma mean to me

Brian Sherpa

 The difference between a regular regents diploma and an advanced regents diploma is that the regular one shows your understanding of the subjects you take in high school but the advanced one shows that your a more advanced student. A regular regents diploma is required to graduate high school but some colleges might find students with an advanced regents diploma more talented or "better." Either way receiving either one isn't such an easy task and both have different requirements. Like for the regular regents diploma you will need a 65+ in one English regents, 65+ in one math exams (any of the following: Algebra I, Algebra II/Trigonometry, Geometry), 65+ on one science exam (any of the following: Earth Science, Living Environment, Chemistry,Physics), 65+ on any additional Regents exam or State-approved +1 option. For the advanced regents diploma you will need 65+ on all three math exams, 65+ on one social studies exam, 65+ on Living Environment and one other science exam, 65+ on one NYC LOTE exam, 65+ on any additional Regents exam or State-approved +1 option. For both of them it is required a student must have all 44 credits. The advantage of having a CTE endorsement is that for the advanced regents diploma you only need to complete 2 credits of LOTE.
     A CTE endorsement will benefit you personally because when colleges see your history they might accept you because of your CTE skills and it looks good on your resume. Having a CTE diploma, not only does it make you look more professional, it also shows your understanding for web design. Especially receiving a CTE endorsement through the Web Design academy, you are entitled on getting jobs in your field of study easier. You also have an opportunity to pass industry-recognized certification or licensing examinations that lead to credentials, as evidence of their college and career readiness. To me a CTE Diploma is a really big award. We spent three years in the Web Design Academy in order to achieve this. It's also a huge milestone when you think about it because I also learned many new things about computer science and life. I also believe this diploma will make me more mature and ready for the real world. Plus I can flex that I got an extra diploma that nobody else got.

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